2017 A to Z Challenge Blog: W for the Wildcat Crew and K.C. Sprayberry

2017 BadgeToday, we face the twenty-third letter of the alphabet. Each letter presents its own challenge. With W, you have the five questions every writer seeks to answer in their novels: Who? What? When? Why? Where? A good novelist can’t just whistle into the wind, wishing for the information to   appear, nor can he/she solely rely on how everything happens and then wilt when the satisfactory ending doesn’t materialize. For me, W embodies all of my hopes and dreams. I’ve been a teacher, a reader, a critic, but all I’ve ever really wanted to be was a writer. I write because I can’t see myself not writing. The stories clamor in my head to be told, and tell them, I must. When I was working, I channeled my need to put words down in the form of lessons and assignments. Once I retired and reached the winter of my days, I realized if I didn’t write the stories down, no one would ever enjoy them. Maybe they aren’t the stuff that will endure for centuries, but they are pleasing to others in the here and now, and with that, I’m content. If you would like a sampling of my work, check out this blog where I’m visiting with my beloved White flower books as people call them.  https://chrysnjay.wordpress.com/2017/04/27/w-white-flower-books/

Over the years, I’ve learned I’m not the only one with this insatiable desire to write. Readers, but their very nature, are attracted to the written word. They enjoy the intricacies of well-crafted plots, love watching well-developed characters overcome obstacles and still sigh at the happily ever afters.

In these blogs, I’ve sought to introduce you to “new to you” authors. While most have been reasonably new, K.C Sprayberry isn’t. If you look up her Amazon author page, you’ll see her name associated with more than sixty anthologies, novels, novellas, and short stories. That’s what I call prolific writing.

91XVnrQ0hvL._UY200_Born and raised in Southern California’s Los Angeles basin, K.C. Sprayberry spent years traveling the United States and Europe while in the Air Force before settling in northwest Georgia. A new empty nester with her husband of more than twenty years, she spends her days figuring out new ways to torment her characters and coming up with innovative tales from the South and beyond.

She’s a multi-genre author who comes up with ideas from the strangest sources. Those who know her best will tell you that nothing is safe or sacred when she is observing real life. In fact, she considers any situation she witnesses as fair game when plotting a new story.

Social Media Links:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/K.C.SprayberryAuthor/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/kcsowriter

Blog: http://outofcontrolcharacters.blogspot.com/

Website: www.kcsprayberry.com

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5011219.K_C_Sprayberry

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B005DI1YOU

Google +: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+KcSprayberry/posts

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/kcsprayberry/boards/

Manic Readers: http://www.manicreaders.com/KCSprayberry/

AUTHORSdB: http://authorsdb.com/authors-directory/5230-k-c-sprayberry

Readers Gazette: http://read ersgazette.com/world/rgmembers/2953

W is for Wildcat Crew

WMysteries abound for Wildcat Crew. These four teens are reminiscent of The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew Mysteries and will attract teen readers to follow along the clues as Marnie, Les, Tish, and Garth solve their cases using their ingenuity. Set in 1973, these teens have to operate without GPS, cell phones, and the internet. All they have are their quick minds and a determination to stop the perpetrator!



case of vanishing girls-001(1)Finally moving on from the horror of the Manson killings, the Los Angeles area has begun to return to normal. Until, that is, the small bedroom community of Monrovia skyrockets into the news. This sleepy little area, nestled up against the foothills, is probably best known for their football team, but that was yesterday’s news.

Three girls have vanished. Notes left behind have an “H” and a “S” with red dripping off them. People’s minds automatically go to the horror of 1969 and wonder if someone else is about to initiate “Helter Skelter.”

A group of teens, Wildcat Crew, doesn’t think so. Despite the police looking at a trouble teen, they focus on another teen whose past has some dark secrets. As the city moves toward the summer solstice, these intrepid investigators work diligently on solving this case before someone else vanishes into the canyon.

Wildcat Crew The Case of the Vanishing Girls: https://bookgoodies.com/a/B06XPKSJKK


The moon hung low on a dark California night. June could be a mix of summer’s warmth with just enough of the coolness left over from spring to force the native Californians to retreat to their homes and huddle beneath blankets.

Fools they were, and The Mastermind would be the one to remind them of their folly. For he was the one who would wake them up from their quiet, peaceful lives and thrust them into the terror of his making. No one would rest easily until he had sated his hunger.

He crept along a quiet street. Homes were lit up. Images of families having an ordinary evening played through his mind. They had no idea of what he was about to unleash on them. His plan was very simple—no one had noticed his first attempt at fame a mere four years ago, because of the Manson Family’s rampage.

 They will now. No one will ever ignore me again.

Book Trailer: https://youtu.be/nvTaLcZJDlE

Please stop by the A to Z blog’s site to visit other bloggers.  A to Z Challenge Blog


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