Tuesday Tales: Picture Time

Badge for TT - very smallSurprise! I didn’t think I would be posting this week, but there isn’t much to do in the pouring rain so we came home a day early. Today is Thanksgiving in Canada, and I have a lot to be grateful for, not the least of which are those of you who follow my blog and support me each week.

This week is picture week and I’ve chosen the image below to go with Same Time Next Year, my contemporary romance.

woman in sunset


Standing, Michael turned to the window. The sun, hung low on the horizon turning the Pacific Ocean gold, pulling him back to another sunset fifty years ago. He could see her sitting cross-legged on the grass, staring out at Indian Lake sparkling in the glow of the setting sun. He’d only known her a little more than three weeks, but she was his everything, his destiny.

Twyla had been waiting for him when he’d finished work. Her eyes were puffy and red-rimmed from crying.

“What’s wrong?”

“Father arrived a week early. Oh Mike, we leave tomorrow. I don’t want to go,” she wailed, tears slipping down her cheeks.

Wanting to hold her, he stood there woodenly, nodding at the old ladies going into the store, his gut aching the way it had when Tom had sucker-punched him.


“I don’t know. He and Mother had a terrible argument, I think over money,  but I wasn’t paying attention.

“Your dad doesn’t have money problems.  It won’t be dark for at least four hours. Do you have to be back for dinner?”

“No. I made a scene and father said he would not look at me until tomorrow. I can’t wait for my birthday. Once I’m eighteen, he won’t be able to order me around.”

“Then let’s go to our place and talk.”

They’d ridden their bikes to their place, a point of land jutting into the lake. It was beyond the last cottage and no one went there to disturb them. He’d barely spread the orange plaid car blanket he’d borrowed for their picnic when she started to undress.

They made love with a desperation that wouldn’t be denied. He wanted to make it last, but the passion flared and the climax came too soon. Cheat heaving, Twyla stood and dove into the lake.

“T, wait for me.”

That’s it for this week! Don’t forget to check out all the other posts on  Tuesday Tales.

Same Time Next Year isn’t the only book born on Tuesday Tales.  Check out Hello Again, my paranormal/suspense/romance available from Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Hello-Again-Susanne-Matthews-ebook/dp/B01FGN88I6


8 thoughts on “Tuesday Tales: Picture Time

  1. Noooooo! You can’t stop there. Oh…wait…you have to – that 300 words and all. Darn. I loved this snippet and how you used the picture prompt to add depth to the story.

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