Day 1 A to Z Challenge A is for April

2017 BadgeHello and welcome to the 2017 version of the A to Z Challenge. I’ve participated for the last three years and while they’ve mixed it up this year, I hope to reach as many new and returning bloggers as I did in the past. Without the linky list, it may be a touch more complicated, but since I can imagine how much work setting it all up was, I will do my best to figure this out.

Today is Day 1 and that day begins with the letter A as in A is for April.

AApril 1 has always been a day for pranks. The reason why varies, but here are a few of the most popular ones, taken from

10 thoughts on “Day 1 A to Z Challenge A is for April

  1. Happy April Fools Day to you. Its funny thought the biggest pranks may happen other days (because we can’t write them off as April Fools). I’m thinking Orson Wells, War of the Worlds for Example, which was for Halloween.

    • Definitely one of the biggest pranks of all times. My daughter mixed KD cheese and water and told the kids it was OJ. They weren’t impressed. When she’s older, they are going to get her good!

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