Tuesday Tales: From a Picture

badge-for-tt-very-small-1Welcome to this week’s Tuesday Tales. Each week, a group of talented writers share their current work with you. This is raw, unedited writing becomes a novel, with each snippet you read based on a word or a picture. This week is picture time, and we are limited to 300 words. The picture theme is windows.

I’m continuing with Wedding Bell Blues. Here’s the window I selected.



MJ stood watching the clouds mass on the horizon. There would be a storm tonight. Gazing at the lagoon outside, she frowned. Sometimes, the water was so still it resembled glass; at others, gentle waves lapped at the dock where Paul had tied the Jet Ski he’d rented earlier. Tonight, the brisk wind  rolled the water, now a much darker green, into waves reminding her of the hills she’d seen when the family had taken her grandmother’s ashes back to Ireland when she’d been ten.

They’d stayed with a relative, a great-uncle who lived in an old house that reminded her of a castle. She’d been given a room in a tower, complete with a canopy bed, fodder for her wild imagination at the time. How many hours had she spent sitting on the window ledge, looking out at the fields and hills in the distance, pretending to be an imprisoned princess waiting to be rescued by Prince Charming?

He hadn’t ridden to her rescue back then, but he certainly had today. Memories of her brief and yet far too long encounter with Mark made her shudder. They’d managed to avoid him the rest of the day, but he would be there at dinner. Maybe she could talk Paul into coming back to the bungalow right after dinner and skip the dancing tonight.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s post. Don’t forget to check out all the other on  Tuesday Tales.

3 thoughts on “Tuesday Tales: From a Picture

  1. Gee, I can think of something that might divert Paul from the dancing…uh, oh yeah, this is PG. Sorry. Love this story and hopefully, MJ’s mind will go in the same direction as mine.

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