Look Who Dropped By Today: Bernard Foong

Good morning. I’m stepping outside my usual box this morning and introducing you to an Amazon bestselling author who writes for Solstice, but who does so in the area of non-fiction. Bernard Foong is a well-known wedding and formal attire designer who’s chosen to share the eventHarem Boy Unbridleds of his past with the world. Now, let me be perfectly clear. THESE BOOKS CONTAIN ADULT CONTENT SOME PEOPLE MAY FIND OFFENSIVE. That being said, I think it’s critically important that we not judge the choices and decisions made by others using the same measuring stick we always have. I’m not as broad-minded as many, but I’m learning to accept what’s different from my narrow perspective and not judge. Bernard will have a short story available for pre-order after Nov. 4th, available November 21st: No Distance Between Us.

Welcome, Bernard. Tell us a bit about your books.

Harem Boy InitiationInitiation (A Harem Boy’s Saga Book 1) 

This provocative story is about an adolescent who was initiated into a clandestine sexual society. He was spirited to the Middle East, from his UK boarding school. He attended the Bahriji School (Oasis,) in The United Arab Emirates in preparation for serving in Harems for the wealthy and elite.
It is also a love story between the young man and his ‘Valet’ who served as his chaperone and mentor during the boy’s Harem service.

Author’s note: 

I had a privileged and unique upbringing in Malaysia. Following in my brothers’ footsteps, I was sent to an exclusive boarding school in England. It is there that I was inducted into a clandestine organization, E.R.O.S. The Enlightened Royal Oracle Society. For four years, unbeknownst to my family, I was willingly and happily part of a Harem.
My story has been kept under wraps for close to 45 years. The correct moment has arrived for me to make known my unique education.
downloadUnbridled (A Harem Boy’s Saga Book 2) 

Unbridled is the sequel to Initiation – A provocative story about a boy who was initiated into a clandestine sexual society. He was spirited to the Middle East, from his UK boarding school. He attended the Bahriji School (Oasis,) in The United Arab Emirates in preparation for serving in Harems for the wealthy and elite. It is also a love story between the young man, his ‘Big Brother’ and his ‘Valet’ who served as his chaperones and mentors during the boy’s Harem services. This book follows the boy’s erotic and exotic adventures and experiences at his 2nd Arab Household Harem, the Sekham. He was an apprentice and model, for the household patriarch’s controversial photography project, “Sacred Sex in Sacred Places”. The author’s experiences present facts that are truthful. Through these truths, which are often demonized by contemporary societies that deem such behaviors inappropriate, the author hopes to dispel condemnations and negativity which relate to his experiences. There are 7 volumes in A Harem Boy’s Saga series.

download (1)Debauchery (A Harem Boy’s Saga Book 3) 

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” Lao Tzu. Debauchery is the triquel to A Harem Boy’s Saga, a provocative story about a young man who was initiated into a clandestine sexual society through his UK boarding school. From there, he was spirited to the Middle East to attend the Bahriji (Oasis) School in The United Arab Emirates in preparation for Harem services for the wealthy elite. It is also a love story between the young man, his ‘Big Brother,’ and his ‘Valet,’ who served as his chaperones and mentors. This book follows the teenagers’ erotic and exotic adventures and experiences at their third Arabian Household Harem, the Quwah. There, they became confidants to a prince, assistants in an international dance club venture, “Carousel,” and apprentices and models in a controversial photography project, “Sacred Sex in Sacred Places.” This story is an account of the author’s experiences. Through these truths, often demonized by contemporary societies that deem such behaviors inappropriate, the author hopes to dispel that notion.

A Harem Boy’s Saga books website, blog, and other social sites URLs.

Website: http://www.aharemboysaga.com

Blog: http://bernardfoong.typepad.com/in_the_harem

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bfoong1

Twitter @aharemboysaga

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2992700.Young

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/haremboysaga/a-harem-boys-saga/ (contains adult contents)

Cowbird: http://cowbird.com/bernard/stories/

Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/trisf2013 (contents adult contents)

You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_BP0OxcR42ZUKWiGBMDvoA/feed

My Space: https://myspace.com/haremboy

 Video trailer for all the 3 books in A Harem Boy’s Saga series (conservative version): http://youtu.be/F0Lv80yhhq0

 Amazon sales sites: 

US: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_7?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=a%20harem%20boy%27s%20saga&sprefix=a+harem%2Cstripbooks%2C401

UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=a+harem+boy%27s+saga&rh=n%3A266239%2Ck%3Aa+harem+boy%27s+saga

Best of luck with your careers.

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