Tuesday Tales: From a Picture

NEW TT BADGEWelcome to this week’s Tuesday Tales, the weekly blog where a select group of authors share their works in progress with you.

Tuesday Tales is a weekly blog where a small group of writers share their works in progress with you. I will be sharing from The White Dahlia, Book four of The Harvester Files. I’d started the book last fall before my dad passed and decided to pick it up again. Given what’s been happening this year, I thought the time was right to pick up where I left off.

Since this is picture week, you get a brief look  at what’s been happening since the Prophet’s demise.


Beth Reynolds, former Boston police officer, now a member of the Harvester Taskforce’s clean-up crew, sighed and opened the door to Larson’s office. The outer room was empty. Where was Ida? She was usually at her desk by now. Maybe she was taking it easy with her boss away.

Larson was in Freemont at the White Iris Pharmaceutical site, inventorying the drugs found there. There were several unknown ones that needed to be recorded, analyzed, and destroyed. The CDC would do most of that work with help from the DEA.

She poked her head into the conference room. Nada. That meant Rob was closeted in his office. She stared at the closed door. The last thing she wanted to do was deliver more bad news, but what choice did she have? Chad Markell, the Director of the FBI, had given her a job to do, and it wasn’t in her makeup to do anything half-assed. She was thorough, and in this case, she’d repeated the analysis three times. Beth knocked on the door.

“Come in,” Rob Halliday called.

Opening the door, she smiled at her immediate supervisor.

“Beth!” He looked up at her. “I was just going to call you. The hospital sent over the toxicology report on Hamilton. With the body destroyed, they didn’t have a lot left to work with. Not sure exactly what he was being treated for, but he had topiramate, ziprasidone, alprazolam, lisinopril, among other drugs in his system, including the vaccine antibodies Julie provided. The man must’ve been a walking time bomb.”

“Speaking of bombs, I got the report on the TNT.”

“I’ve got information for you, too, but go first. Don’t leave me hanging.”

The former Boston police officer, now seconded temporarily to the FBI as she’d been, set aside the report he’d been reading to give her his full attention.

That’s it. Stay safe and don’t forget to check out the other Tuesday Tales.

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