Tuesday Tales: From the Word CARELESS

New TT imageWelcome to February’s last Tuesday Tales post. This is a leap year with the month having 29 days. What will you do with your extra day?

This week’s word is CARELESS. I continue with The Price of Courage.

Mindful of the mutilated deer, Lucien watched more carefully. Wolf tracks indicated the animals were on a course parallel to theirs. From here on in, he would make sure his arquebus was primed and ready.

“You were right about death,” Lucien said, returning to the tree. “They’re a doe over by those trees. They left most of her, eating only the choice organs. It looks like their den must be somewhere in the same direction we travel.”

The Mohawk nodded. “We must stay alert. A careless accident could doom us to the same fate as the deer.” He looked up and pointed on the horizon. “There will be more snow before the day is done. We must be quick and then on our way. If the wolves are ahead of us, traveling after dark, in bad weather, will be dangerous.”

Okwaho reached for the bark and branches. Within minutes he had a small blaze going. Both the stew pot and a second pot of snow sat atop the small iron grate he used as a stove. When the stew was warm enough, the man ladled it onto trenchers, passed one to Lucien, and then set about making spruce tea.

brown deer surrounded with snow covered trees

Photo by Jill Wellington on Pexels.com

“If the wolves can kill for sport and not for food, the deer must be plentiful in the area. I will watch for signs. We are close enough to the farm to fell an animal here and take it back. I can dress it there and it will give us meat to share with the Montagnais.” The scout frowned. “I hope no man wants to challenge me over Nugoomee. Killing a man over his woman will not make it easier for the tribe to accept a man they see as an enemy.”

Lucien chuckled. “Trust you to look at the worst possible situation. Nugoomee has made her choice. The land will revert to the king and you and your family will enjoy many years together. Now, let’s get going. If your prediction about the weather is correct, I want to be at Beauséjour before dark and hope that whatever we find there will not make the place uninhabitable.

With an economy of effort, Okwaho put out the fire and scattered the ashes in the snow. He cleaned the trenchers and wrapped them in the beeswax sheets Nugoomee had given him. As soon as the scout was ready, they left the clearing and headed north.

Thanks for visiting. Don’t forget to check out the other Tuesday Tales.



4 thoughts on “Tuesday Tales: From the Word CARELESS

  1. You weave in so many authentic details – like melting snow for spruce tea, and wrapping the trencher in beeswax sheets – that you pull us right into the scene. It’s as if you’ve already experienced this life and are sharing ti with us.
    Well done!

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