Tuesday Tales: From the Word SOAKED

New TT imageGood morning and welcome to another week of Tuesday Tales, the on-going blog where books are born.  Each week, the authors involved add a scene to their work in progress based on a word or picture. This week, our word is SOAKED.

I’m continuing with The Price of Courage, my historical romance which is Book Two in my Canadian Series.


“I worry about Guy. I know he’s only delivering invitations to next week’s party, but I can’t stop thinking that these as yet unknown traitors could ambush him,” Izzy said, removing the pinned garment to put on her dressing gown.

“Don’t fret. My son can take care of himself. Go and dress. I’ll get tonight’s venison stew ready. Once it’s on the fire, we can work on the baby’s quilt. Those squares with the embroidered maple leaves have turned out well.”

Izzy smiled. Her mother-in-law was a woman of few words, but those she shared were full of wisdom.

“We’ll be six for supper tonight, Tante Aline,” Sophie said, her cheeks turning a delightful shade of pink.

“Roger?” Izzy asked.

Sophie nodded.

“That’s the second time he’s dined with us this month,” Aline commented. “Are your officially courting?”

Sophie sighed, shaking her head. “I enjoy his company, but the thought of being intimate, bearing his children, doesn’t fill me with the same joy I see reflected on your faces.”

Izzy put her arm around her cousin. “Then, there’s no reason to rush it. If the young soldier is the one, maybe the feelings will come, and if they don’t the perhaps it isn’t meant to be.”

beansAline lifted the cloth from the bowl where she’d soaked the beans overnight.

“Life is unpredictable, ma chérie,” she said. “When Guy’s father died, I thought my heart had died with him. There were men in France, good men, who sought my hand, some as well-placed as the viscount, and while my life might’ve been that of the mistress of the house rather than its housekeeper, I couldn’t join myself to a man I didn’t love. No one was more surprised than I was when Henri walked, or should I say sailed, into my life. Wait for the right man, Sophie. Don’t compromise.”

“Like Maman, I was fortunate to have loved two men. I agree. I’m sure Guy can persuade the intendant to give you more time. And as far as Roger goes, make sure his heart and not only his stomach is engaged before you agree to anything. You’re a woman of substance. That may make you attractive as well. What man wouldn’t like to marry a woman who will provide him not only with a family but with money and the means to enter the colony’s aristocracy?”

That’s it for this week! Don’t forget to check out all the other posts on  Tuesday Tales

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